Cammie Dunaway is the VP of Sales and Marketing at Nintendo, and is responsible for the horrible E3 showing. She is completely ignorant of what the "Core Gamer" wants, which will be bad if she keeps her current position. Nintendo: We want Cammie Done Away. News tips, comments not tied to a specific post, and complaints can be sent to

Monday, July 21, 2008

Down With Dunaway!

So E3 has passed and Nintendo fans are left with.... well pretty much nothing.
Nintendo's press conference was easily the worst of them all and we all know who to blame. Cammie Dunaway. Now it is obvious that her stage presents did not help the conference at all, as a matter of fact, it was one of the things that ruined it, but Cammie ruining the press conference has almost nothing to do with her stage presence.
Here is my theory. Cammie was the one that planned the whole conference, just the fact she was on stage should be enough of a hint that she planned it after all who else would put her on stage? That, however, is not the only reason I think she planned it. In an interview with gametrailers, when she was asked what core gamers should be doing, she replied that we should continue playing SSBB and Mario Kart. She thinks those two games can keep core gamers busy for the next few months.
Cammie is the VP of sales and marketing at Nintendo, so that means she has to figure out how to sell Nintendo's games. So from that we can see that she probably had some part in planning the Nintendo press conference. After all, who else at Nintendo could be so out of touch with the gaming community? Now let's take a look at who the games at the conference were targeted at. Was it core gamers? No it's the people who will not watch E3, the casual gamers. Who at Nintendo would think it is a good idea to target casual gamers at a press conference meant for core gamers? Why Cammie Dunaway of course!

So this is my theory, Cammie Dunaway was the one who planned and ruined the Nintendo Press conference.

Welcome to the Anti-Cammie blog.

Edit by Ploogle: Here's the aforementioned GameTrailers video:

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